I Love Mondays: And other confessions from devoted working moms (Seal Press)
In this warm and reassuring parenting book, Michelle Cove offers specific strategies on handling the 11 biggest concerns for working moms today. Find out, for instance, exactly what to do and say when you have to miss your child's big event for a work obligation; you find yourself apologizing by default to family and co-workers; a friend or family member makes a cutting remark about working mothers; or the school nurse calls to say "come get your child" five minutes before a big presentation. I Love Mondays is loaded with advice from fellow working moms, top experts, and Michelle's own personal life. For more info, click here.
I'm Not Mad, I Just Hate You! (Penguin)
If you are a mother and many of your conversations with your teenage daughter begin with a rolling of eyes, move into shrieked insults, and end with a door slam, I'm Not Mad, I Just Hate You! (Viking, 1999) could save you both. As Michelle Cove and Roni Cohen-Sandler illustrate in this national bestseller, even if you often seem to be living on two different planets, conflict does not have to define your relationship. Learn specific strategies for helping your daughter resolve conflict, while bringing some peace and quiet into your own home.
Seeking Happily Ever After (Penguin)
Singleness is no longer a quick blip on the radar of our lives; for more and more of us, singleness is a bona fide life stage, with its own joys and challenges. Positive and uplifting, Seeking Happily Ever After (Tarcher/Penguin, 2010) is the first true road map to that life-stage for women--a guide to navigating the ups and downs and developing a plan for understanding and achieving your own romantic goals. The first step to figuring out your happily ever after is figuring out your own needs.